2019 John H. Scott Scholarship Program Press Release

Dr. Camille Perkins Keynotes Scott Memorial Fund Awards Program

by A. Umrani

            Saturday, May 4 is the day. Tallulah-Madison Community Center, 800 N. Beech Street (Tallulah, LA) is the place. For supporters of the Rev. John H. Scott Memorial Fund, this comes as a reminder, and it is information for all regarding this annual event, the awarding of scholarships. Since 1982, the first Saturday in May has been a special day for northeast Louisiana college-bound high school seniors to be honored with awards of supplemental financial aid.

            Families and friends may be motivated to come to support their own seniors, but others come for the inspiration and enjoyment of the program. Our six applicants this year, from whom two scholarship recipients will be selected that day, are: Joniah Brown, Madison; Elisheba Clay, Madison; Byron Everfield, General Trass, East Carroll; La Tottra Jones, General Trass, East Carroll; Qwaveshia May, Epps, West Carroll; and Jaya McKeel, General Trass, East Carroll.

            Northeast Louisiana's own, Camille Perkins, M.D. will be the speaker. Dr. Perkins was East Carroll Parish Hospital's friendly face and calm voice greeting many children and their families, while addressing their health needs over the last sixteen years. Dr. Perkins retired in 2018 after a 38-year career in pediatrics. Working along with her husband, Attorney Rev. Louis G. Scott, she is a valued member of the Memorial Fund, especially in the Annual Awards programs.

            In addition to the scholarship awards, the Fund has available four Memorial Awards that honor the lives of: Mrs. Alease Truly Scott, the wife of Rev. Scott; son, Elder Tyrone Scott; and grandchildren, Kendall Pullen and Angela Toldson. All Scholarship applicants who attend the program receive useful gifts and may qualify for other gifts, such as for the most attendees and for the most votes on their videos submitted with their applications, which can be seen at www.jhsfund.org/scholarships-awards.

             The Awards program will be from 10:00 a.m. to noon and is open to everyone. Local talent will perform. Free lunch will be provided. Visit the website and John H. Scott Memorial Fund on Facebook for information on scholarships, Memorial Awards, Fund projects, and related historical information and photos. Read details of Rev. John H. Scott's life in Witness To The Truth – My Struggle for Human Rights in Louisiana. This autobiographical book about this Lake Providence civil/human rights activist and Christian minister, was written posthumously by his daughter, Cleo Scott.

            John H. Scott Memorial Fund officers and Board members are: Jewel Scott Jones, NJ, President; Cleo Scott Rowland, SC, Vice President of Development; Khalif El-Amin, WI, Vice President of Programs; Nicholy Johnson, TX, Secretary; Kalesha Pullen, FL, Treasurer.  Board Members At Large are: Johnita Scott, LA; Elsie Scott, PhD., DC; Amatullah Umrani, WI; Rev. Louis G. Scott, Esq, LA; and Harriet Scott Pullen, LA.

