Virtual 2020 Program - Press Release April 27, 2020

Dear Supporters,

In light of the Covid 19 epidemic and the importance of the health and safety of our scholars and their supporting communities, The John H. Scott Memorial Fund will not hold its in-person scholarship program scheduled for Saturday, May 2, 2020. Although we will not be with you in person, the John H. Scott Memorial Fund scholarships will still be awarded and announced virtually on that date.

We are proud to have seven scholars represented this year. Westley Bowman, Lake Providence, LA, General Trass High; TaNoah Hampton, Lake Providence, LA, General Trass High; Amahry Jackson, Newellton, LA, Tensas High School; Destiny Jones, Lake Providence, LA, General Trass High; Karvan Powell, Jr. , Lake Providence, LA, General Trass High; Aaliyah Scott, Lake Providence, LA, General Trass High; Zakara Williams, Lake Providence, LA, General Trass High.

We are also excited to award the Alease J. Scott Memorial Award, wife of the late Rev. John H. Scott. This award honors her life by being offered to a person who promotes community improvement and pride mainly through work in organizations. We are pleased that Ms. Tracy L. Reynolds of Lake Providence, Louisiana, will receive this year’s award.

Although we are disappointed that we will not be able to fellowship with and celebrate our applicants in the traditional way, we are excited to continue the John H. Scott annual program virtually. Please set your virtual calendar and join us on our Facebook page, The John H. Scott Memorial Fund, at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 2nd to attend and participate. Thank you for your commitment and continued support.


Harriet Pullen

John H. Scott Memorial Fund

Scholarship Program Chair

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